Friday, February 6, 2009

So it's been about 4 months since the last post! What's happened? Barack Obama is president, post-um is officially off the shelves, I got MARRIED! And it's fabulous. I started reading the biography of Leonardo Da Vinci, one of the most inspiring artists to me. Did you know that on one of his last papers showing a formula for geometry he wrote, "perche la minesstra si fredda." Which actually means he has left off writing 'because the soup is getting cold'. haha. I thought that was great. He died a year later and never wrote more on the geometry formula again. I'm glad for it personally because I'm not a big fan of geometry, and if he'd finished it, they'd probably use it to torture us in math class. I got a job in the Downeast in the mall in Logan and have been offered a position at the one by Old Navy too! That was really nice to hear. It's great to be wanted and more than wanted, actually to be needed. Printmaking class is sweet. We're using color on our next project and I'm doing an old barn with a pigmy goat. The idea came from a friend's mission story. One of his companions was from the boonies in Idaho and apparantly, he was "raised on the tits of a she goat" because his mother couldn't breast feed him. hahaha. So that's the theme and title, "He was raised on the tits of  a she-goat." Hopefully I'll post a pic of it when I'm finished. It'll be a few weeks. I'm excited for all my cousins who are prego currently! Crazy. I have a secret but won't tell for a little while. Love you all!


kathy said...

I can't believe you used the word "tits" twice in your blog! Go Miriam! I'm so glad that you are happy, and now I'll take a guess at your secret - I'd say it's NOT that you are pregnant, and probably doesn't even have anything to do with you. So, that leaves your sisters - either Maureen is having another baby, or Muriel is about to get engaged to your brother-in-law. I can't wait to find out how intuitive I am! Keep updating the blog!

jhjonze said...

It's really not nice to tell people you have a secret and then not share. You're rude!

I am however super glad you updated your blog, and I look forward to more, with wedding pictures...