Friday, August 15, 2008

Oh man...what did I do?

My oh my! So here's how it all started....after 3 hours of slicing meat at Quiznos I headed home with a strong resolve to run 9 miles as training for the half marathon on August 23rd. I took a route from my house down 4th north and out to Providence to Mar and Phil's new house (it ended up being only 6 1/2 miles so that was a dissapointment!) But I came home and ate some dinner because I was starving and of course squoze in some dessert! Unfortunately something bad happened in my innards and I was awake all night with pain and running to the throne! Today same beef! I just called in sick and am slumped in our office chair writing this to pull a little sympathy from the only two people that read this blog. lol. Love you guys!


kathy said...

When I first started reading this post I thought "She should have run on to my house. That would have been about 9 miles." But then when I read farther I was glad you didn't because I don't want nasty tummy bugs around here! But I do hope you will be feeling better soon. Oh, and the trick to getting more people to read your blog is to go "blog surfing" and leave comments on the blogs of anyone you might even remotely know. It takes a while to build up a clientel. Or whatever you want to call it! Feel better soon!

Lauren said...

Hey! this is lauren rohwer!! i have a blog to! so yeah. I will coment on yours okay! later!

jhjonze said...

UPDATE! Just kidding. It was fun to see you on Saturday, good luck with school and everything!